jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011


Sometimes they make high, sometime they make down.
Always they are there to show me who i really am and what is in my heart. They read me in every song. They make fell again with every whisper and every song.

They make high, so high that i´m scared to fall down again....but i know, i will always know that they will be there to catch me and take me again to my way.

I´ve been scared of my heart for a long time ago. I ignore them because i was so fucking scared.....but now i know, i know that i have to be strong again, break my fucking walls and continue walking....

Lets fight again! I wont run away again because im not alone, i have a really good friends who ALWAYS are there and i have them to show it.Thank you guys, you are all! <3

sábado, 5 de febrero de 2011

The abbey of Thelema!

Ayer fueron absolutamente sublimes, increibles...casi sin palabras. Simplemente estos tios son geniales dentro y fuera del escenario y no hacen mas que superarse. Son muy grandes y mas que van a crecer! Suerte en el estudio chicos! ;) 
Ate. el club de fans? jajaja
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Based on a work at criminalfeelings.blogspot.com.
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